Reasons for Marshalling
The success of the clubs racing system is that every member is expected to do a minimum of two marshalling duties during a season. Without this racing would not be able to take place, as our road clearances from the authorities stipulates that marshals must be present to direct and control traffic.

Each member is placed on a marshalling roster from which the club secretary allocates and notifies members who will be required to do duty for which races. Each member gets informed well in advance of his or her required date to marshal enabling a smooth organisation of events. 

Members willingness to do marshalling is the success of our racing. Without marshals there will be no racing.

Marshalling Rules
1. Each member is required to perform a minimum of one marshalling duty as and when appointed by the club secretary.  This excludes committee members as they will be required to perform the function of Race Coordinator.
2. Only club members may perform marshalling duties and cannot get an outside non-member to substitute in his or her place. The reasons for this are:
     - The clubs road clearances received from the traffic authorities states that our marshals must be adult, and no min
Picture of Marshal on Dutyors are allowed. Children can assist at the duty point to sweep the road and set-up the corner for safe cycling, but children are not allowed to do point duty and direct traffic. All minor children must be supervised by an adult.
     - The club's public liability insurance, covers the member doing marshalling and not family or friends doing the duty.
     - The race coordinator schedules and allocates persons to certain point duty from the allocated marshals list. When last minute changes take place this disrupts the scheduling and organisation of the race. One such example is that the club does not allow a lady to do duty on her own. If she is a last minute substitute for a male member that is scheduled to be on a marshalling point on his own, this disrupts the allocation of
persons at the last minute. In some cases it would require an additional marshal so that a lady does not do duty on her own.
     - Some members do not notify the race coordinator of substitutes, which causes problems with results, marshalling points and records.
     - In many instances the substitute marshals have little or no experience with marshalling and / or cycling in general. We require that the person doing marshalling has some cycling background and understands the racing situations and possible problems that may arise at a marshalling point.
     - All members must make themselves familiar with the process and procedure of marshalling in order to be competent to carry out this task effectively.
3. If you have indicated that you are not available to do a particular marshal duty, you may not ride that particular race.
4. To be eligible as a prize winner in the Handicap Points Competition, you MUST have done a minimum of one marshalling duty.
5. To be eligible as a contender as Cyclist of the Year, you MUST have done a minimum of one marshalling duty.
6. Marshals MUST contact the club secretary at least 14 days before the event to confirm availability. It is the member's duty to contact the club secretary.
7. Marshals must arrive at the race starting venue a minimum of 45 minutes before the scheduled start of the race.
8. Marshals must report to the race organizer at the starting venue to receive further instructions regarding the race.
9. Marshals must equip themselves with the following items which are available from the club trailer
          - Reflective red / orange safety bib
          - Red flag
          - Broom (if available)
10. All items removed from the trailer must be returned to the trailer immediately after the conclusion of the race.
11. All marshals must study the marshalling guidelines e-mailed to the member before the event. This guideline explains the duty to be performed in detail and equips the marshal with a clear understanding of what is expected from him or her on the day of the event.
12. Corners where marshalling duty is to be performed must be swept to remove as much debris as possible that may cause a danger to cyclist taking the turn.
13. Marshals must direct traffic using the correct methods and actions. See diagram at the end of this document.
14. Marshals must be assertive in their actions and duties of directing and controlling of traffic. Safety is of utmost importance for the cyclist taking part in the race as well as the motorist making use of the same road as the race route.
15. Marshals must stay at their marshal points until the last riders have passed that point. The sweep vehicle will advise who the last rider is. After the last rider has passed, return to the start along the race route to ensure that no participants are stranded on the side of the road. Stranded cyclists must be picked up or the race coordinator must be contacted to arrange for a pick up vehicle for the stranded cyclist.
16. Before leaving the venue, each marshal must report to the race coordinator and report any problems with riders or traffic control.
17. The marshal that has contributed the most towards marshalling duties during the season receives the Marshall of the Year Award at the yearly Prize Giving.

Marshalling Documents
View Lead Car Responsibility
View Sweep Vehicle Responsibility
View Traveling Marshal (Motorcycle)
View Traveling Marshal (Vehicle)
View Intersection Duty
View Rumble Strip Duty (5km Hill)
View Rumble Strip Duty (Cross Roads)
View Draaifontein Road Patrol
View Finish Line Spotter
View Finish Card Collection
View Registration Duty


© Masters and Ladies Cycling Club 2017